What we offer

Our Services

  • A free, no obligation 15-minute phone consultation is provided to gain an understanding of the concerns and identify how Spring Speech Pathology can help.

  • During the first session the Speech Pathologist will discuss the concerns you have with your child’s communication skills. We will obtain your child’s medical and developmental history as well as complete initial screening of your child’s communication skills.

    Feedback and recommendations based on the outcomes of the screening will be provided.

    Further standardised and formal assessment may be needed and will be completed over future sessions.

  • Individual therapy sessions are 45 minutes and will be conducted at your child’s school or home. Specific goals will be set with the family and are based on the outcome of the assessment.

    Parent and teacher involvement is an important component of the therapy sessions and we encourage them to be involved. Home practice activities and strategies will also be provided.


Having a collaborative approach between the therapist, parents and teaching staff helps to get the best outcomes for the student. We offer support to schools to create and monitor individual student goals, identify and complete formal assessments required for funding purposes, as well as providing professional learning to staff in the areas of speech, language and literacy.